Green Papaya Salad (Recipes)

Green Papaya Salad


涼拌青木瓜絲食譜 (liang2 ban4 qing1 mu4 gua1 si1 shi2 pu3)

This is a recipe from Thailand




Ingredients: 材料 (cai2 liao4):

1 chicken breast fillet 雞胸肉一塊 (ji1 xiong1 rou4 yi2 kuai4)

1 green papaya 青木瓜一顆 (qing1 mu4 gua1 yi4 ke1)

3 tomatoes 番茄3顆 (fan1 qie2 san1 ke1)

1 onion 洋蔥一顆 (yang2 cong1 yi4 ke1)

2 cucumbers 小黃瓜兩根 (xiao3 huang2 gua1 liang3 gen1)


Seasoning: 調味料 (tiao2 wei4 liao4):

a small spoon of salt 鹽一小匙 (yen2 yi4 xiao3 chi1)

a tea spoon of light brown sugar 黃砂糖一茶匙 (huang2 sha1 tang2 yi4 cha2 chi2)

soy sauce and sesame oil to taste 醬油和香油適量 (jiang4 you2 han4 xiang1 you2 shi4 liang4)

vinegar 50ml醋50毫升 (cu4 wu3 shi2 hao2 sheng1)




Procedures: 作法 (zuo4 fa3):

1. Poach the chicken breast. 水煮雞胸肉 (shui3 zhu3 ji1 xiong1 rou4)


2. Peel and remove the seeds from the green papaya, then shred it into shreds. 青木瓜削皮去籽後刨成細絲 (qing1 mu4 gua1 xiao1 pi2 qu4 zi3 hou4 pao2 cheng2 xi4 si1)


3. Shred the cucumbers. 小黃瓜刨絲 (xiao3 huang2 gua1 pao2 si1)


4. Slice the tomatoes and onion, and then put them together in the pot. 番茄和洋蔥切片,一起放入鍋中。 (fan1 qie2 han4 yang2 cong1 qie1 pian4, yi4 qi3 fang4 ru4 guo1 zhong1)


5. Tear the chicken breast into shreds. 將雞胸肉撕成細絲 (jiang1 ji1 xiong1 rou4 si1 cheng2 xi4 si1)


6. Add all seasonings into the pot. 將所有調味料加入大鍋中 (jiang1 suo3 you3 tiao2 wei4 liao4 jia1 ru4 da4 guo1 zhong1)


7. Mix all ingredients together with chopsticks or your hand. 用筷子或手將所有食材攪拌均勻 (yong4 kuai4 zi huo4 shou3 jiang1 suo3 you3 shi2 cai2 jiao3 ban4 jun1 yun2)


8. Wait for 5 minutes to let the ingredients absorb the seasonings. “Green papaya salad” is done! 靜置五分鐘讓食材吸收調味料,「涼拌青木瓜絲」就完成囉! (jing4 ji4 wu3 fen1 zhong1 rang4 shi2 cai2 xi1 shou1 tiao2 wei4 liao4, “liang2 ban4 qing1 mu4 gua1 si1” jiu4 wan2 cheng2 luo1!)


 “Green papaya salad” is done!

≡ By Iris ≡