A tranqil Night (Advanced Level)

A Tranquil Night


Poet: Li Bai


At bed, I see a silver light,

I wonder if it’s frost aground.

Looking up, I found the moon bright;

Bowing, in homesickness I’m drowned.

Translator: Xu Yuanchong (翻译者: 许渊冲1921-, China)


The meaning of poem:

The bright moonlight gleams in front of my bed, I thought it was the frost on the ground. I lift my head to gaze at the bright moon, then lower my head and think of my hometown.

 Li bai:

li bai_1

Li Bai (701 -762) is one of China’s most outstanding poets of the Tang Dynasty, this classic poem 《A Quiet Night Thought》(this poem has translated by many people, but this translation is very close in meaning to the original) is very popular, the content of the poem is very easy to understand, but full ofmeaningful, it touches people’s hearts which are full of feelings of homesickness, affecting readers into endless contemplation. This poem still resonate with many people until today, just four lines, simple but rich, so that we can have a better understand the creation of Li Bai is smooth, true and natural.


《jìng yè sī》

诗人: 李白

shī rén : lǐ bái


chuáng qián míng yuè guāng,yí shì dì shàng shuāng 。


jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè,dī tóu sī gù xiāng 。



shī wén jiě shì


chuáng qián miàn zhào jìn le míng liàng de yuè guāng,wǒ yuán yǐ wéi shì dì shàng jié le yì céng shuāng。tái tóu kàn tiān shàng nà lún míng yuè,bù yóu dé dī xià le tóu,sī niàn qǐ zì jǐ de gù xiāng。

 李白 lǐ bái:


lǐ bái (701nián –762nián )shì zhōng guó táng cháo zuì jié chū de shī rén zhī yī,


zhè shǒu kuài zhì rén kǒu de 《jìng yè sī》biàn shì tā de jīng diǎn zhī zuò,


shī de nèi róng suī rán hěn róng yì lǐ jiě,dàn shì què yì wèi shēn cháng,


xiě chū rén men xīn zhōng mǎn mǎn sī xiāng de qíng xù,


qiān dòng dú zhě xiàn rù wú jìn de chén sī dāng zhōng。


zhè shǒu shī zhí dào jīn rì hái shì néng yǐn qǐ xǔ duō rén de gòng míng,


duǎn duǎn sì jù shī cí,jiǎn dān què fēng fù,


ràng wǒ men gèng néng liǎo jiě dào lǐ bái de chuàng zuò rú xíng yún liú shuǐ bān,zhí pú zì rán。

≡ BY Margarita ≡